Pagers have been used as the communication route for major incident notification for the NHS in London since 2005. It has been the only resilient form of contact in a major incident. It was agreed by all NHS CEO’s in London, following the 2005 London bombings, that...
Paging continues to be a primary method of critical communications across many sectors. The advent of 2-way paging not only capitalises on paging’s unique qualities, but ‘closes the loop’ on traditional broadcast messaging, making the technology more versatile than...
How do you know that your call to action, warning, or important announcement will be seen by people that need to see it, when they need to see it? The simple answer is that you don’t. There’s no true way to know that someone will actually pick up your message and read...
In an age of smartphones, SMS messages can often get overlooked. We have grown so used to the messengers and apps shoved at us by every social media platform out there, that we don’t really stop and think about where the foundations of those messaging pathways lie....
PageOne exhibiting at BAPCO Online 2021 Join us for free at the new virtual experience for the public safety...
PageOne's multi-device, multi-network messaging gateway. Watch the video to get an idea of how PageOne's...
PageOne at the virtual Higher Education Marketing Conference. Did you know about our Janet txt Campaign Manager functionality, utilising short...
PageOne 'No-deal' Brexit Preparedness Statement. Brexit ‘No-deal’ Preparedness PageOne has undertaken a review of its services, contracts and supply chain to assess what, if any, risks are apparent in the event of a Brexit ‘no-deal’ scenario as of 1st January 2021...
Paging remains a critical part of robust emergency response. Emergency services are on the frontline of protecting the public. Resilient and secure critical communications are essential for getting the right team to the right place at the right time. Paging technology...