During Fresher’s 2021, are you doing all you can to keep students connected?

It’s been an unprecedented couple of years for the education community but normality is on the horizon, and what better way to kick it off than with Freshers 2021! In pervious posts, we’ve discussed how Janet txt has helped the education community, how you can get integrated with Janet txt and what SMS can do for you. In today’s post I’m going to narrow the scope and discuss a few ways SMS can be used to make your Freshers event the best one yet.

Let’s start with the obvious, Student Unions. For many students, Freshers is their first chance to get out there and mingle, learn their way around the unions, and explore the evening Fresher’s events. Using our Merge Compose service, you can send out personalised discount offers to this year’s freshers in bulk, enticing them to explore the facilities the SU has to offer and giving each of them unique discount codes for SU shops, bars and more. Alternatively, the same method can be used to send out ticket confirmations and SMS-tickets for the Freshers Events, making it easier for new students to show at the door and less likely to lose during the mayhem of their first week.

In addition to using basic functions such as Merge and Bulk Compose, Campaign Manager can be used to help students with the transition into student life. Campaign Manager allows for a 24/7 automated response system, using keywords to trigger messages and message chains to students that text them in. You could set up an FAQ guide for students around campus, so they’ve got a helping hand even when the office is closed, or set up a wellbeing support line for those that are struggling to settle into student life. The Campaign Manager function can be used to set up call-back lists and can be used in conjunction with our Diary function to create engagement and feedback questionnaires so you can find out a little more about what your students think about you.

This year is a different one for Fresher’s as no university is approaching it the same way; with some being virtual, some physical, and some a mix of events. In the same vein, there are essentially two sets of Fresher’s this year, as last year’s selection had an interrupted transition into university due to the pandemic. Given this, ensuring that there’s always help available to guide students through those first weeks is of the utmost importance to ensure they feel safe and supported during such a big change in their lives after so much uncertainty. SMS is a fantastic tool for this; with a 98% read rate and 8 times higher engagement rate than email, your message is likely to hit its mark and be seen by those that need to see it.

What can Janet txt do for your communications? Text ‘Janet’ to 60081 or contact us here.