Is your college or university communication plan storm proof?

Many colleges and universities had to close recently, as a result of storm Arwen and many are still suffering the outfall of having no power. Within days, this was followed by storm Barra and this raises the question for all colleges and universities around how they communicate en masse, with their Students and Staff to distribute critical information.

If you were affected but are one of our customers, you will know how easy it was to get critical and timely communication to your students and staff.

One of the advantages of our Janet txt service, is that if you cannot use it from within your organisations own network or MIS system because of a closure or power failure, you can still get critical information out at the right time, every time, using one of our other messaging routes.  As standard, we offer up to 5 different routes to get your message sent at the right time, every time.

Sometimes these incidents help us realise where single points of failure lie and one such instance, we are happy to share best practice on, is not just having all your students ready to be messaged about closures, but also your staff.  We helped a customer quickly get set up to do just this when they realised they had been able to inform all students of a closure, but not the staff.  Their staff were unaware of the closure and making their way to work.

As the only JISC approved provider of messaging to the Education community in the UK, we have experienced staff on hand to help you with your communication plans.  We say no to single points of failure and are happy to help your organisation achieve the same.

What can Janet txt do for your communications? Text ‘Janet’ to 60081 or contact us here.