SOAP/XML API Message Integration
sms & paging
SMS integration using SOAP/ XML protocol
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is our most popular way to connect. It enables programs to communicate using the Internet’s Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Extensible Mark up Language (XML). Because of this, messages can be sent between applications running on different operating systems, with different technologies and programming languages.
Critico’s Connect web services provide a secure environment where your own business applications can:
- Authenticate a secure messaging session
- Send messages of over 160 characters to mobiles, pagers and email
- Obtain delivery status reports
- Access message history reports for delivery confirmation
- Receive 2-way SMS and pager replies
- Create rule based push services for delivery reports and SMS replies
- Manage and populate stored distribution lists
- Support location based (LBS) and network lookups to provide location-enabled services
- Seamless integration between business applications and mobile services
- Supports automated high volume messaging
- Target recipients within a required geographic area, or respond with local information
- Track resources or equipment
- Platform and language independent
- Intuitive development tools
- Cost effective

SOAP Web Services Documentation
Critico SOAP API User Guide
Current programming environments supported are:
- .NET
- C#
- C++
- Perl
- Java
- VB6
- Delphi
- VC++
We offer free ongoing advice and support for our APIs, as well as in-house developer and technical assistance.
MORE information
Find out more about integration with our SOAP/XML API Message Integration
Contact us to speak to one of our messaging specialists.